Yesterday I had a talk on Clean Coding for colleagues at the bank. It's been a while since I've held any kind of talk to anyone, so I was a little bit nervous. That nervousness quickly turned to adrenalin and, I hope, positive energy for the crowd. 40 or so developers and stakeholders. I only … Continue reading Clean Coding talk
Category: Clean Coding
Recycling is for garbage. Don’t recycle code!
I'm currently working on a bit of legacy code. Good code, to be sure, with a rather low technical debt due to the care and hard work by previous programmers. But of course, there are things that stick out. An hour or so ago, I started to refactor an old method that was populating various … Continue reading Recycling is for garbage. Don’t recycle code!
The Factory
Quite a few years ago I landed a Delphi assignment to, among other things, develop a media injector application for a Swedish television broadcaster. It would be part of a much larger system, and its responsibility was to move different clips of mp4 files from one place to another according to a time schedule that … Continue reading The Factory